Versent adds Dynatrace to cloud adoption services catalogue


Your digital transformation partner.

November 17, 2021

The Dynatrace Software Intelligence Platform helps organisations accomplish digital transformation faster by providing automatic, intelligent observability across hybrid multi-cloud environments.      

Dynatrace provides precise answers about application, microservice, and infrastructure performance. The service reveals root-cause determinations, prioritised according to business impact. This helps organisations optimise their digital teams’ workflows, enabling them to deliver new services faster while maintaining optimal customer experiences.      

A powerful new partnership     

Versent is pleased to announce our newly forged partnership with Dynatrace. We now offer Dynatrace’s transformation benefits as part of the Versent services catalogue.     

As digital transformation accelerates globally, organisations increasingly rely on dynamic cloud-native architectures, which are becoming ever more distributed. This creates complexity, with containers and microservices that come and go in seconds and a volume and velocity of data that exceeds human ability to manage.      

Hope Powers, VP of ANZ Sales, Dynatrace: “With advanced observability, continuous automation and AI-assistance built into the platform, Dynatrace provides digital teams with precise, actionable code-level insights for their applications and infrastructure. This enables organisations to migrate more services to the cloud and transform even faster, with greater confidence and less risk. We’re excited to work with Versent to provide full-stack observability that continues pushing the boundaries on innovative digital experiences and services.” 

Wide interoperability     

Dynatrace is purpose-built for today’s dynamic hybrid, multi-cloud environments. With integration capability for all major cloud platform providers, Dynatrace supports premium cloud-native technologies, including Red Hat OpenShift, ServiceNow, and Kubernetes. Dynatrace is also an AWS Advanced Technology Partner.  

How does Dynatrace facilitate transformation?     

Versent can implement Dynatrace to help provide a single source of truth, eliminating internal silos to promote team collaboration.      

Dynatrace’s AI engine, Davis, delivers precise answers about system degradations or performance anomalies, showing root-cause determination. Davis automatically prioritises these answers based on business impact, helping us respond to the highest priority issues first.    

The Dynatrace Software Intelligence Platform includes multiple modules underpinned by a unified data platform. With automatic, intelligent observability at scale, Dynatrace yields important information about the performance and security of cloud applications, including the underlying infrastructure and the experience of its users.     

In Versent transformation projects, Dynatrace can be used to facilitate cloud modernisation and migration discussions during the discovery phase. Dynatrace also helps to ensure that application performance and availability is improved while the application is reengineered into its cloud-native version. After migration, Dynatrace assists with the management of cloud complexities, providing lasting value for Versent’s customers.   

Want to learn more about your cloud optimisation opportunities?    
Talk to an expert Versent advisor.     
