Versent achieves AWS Level 1 Managed Security status

Dean Robinson Managing Director at Versent

Dean Robinson

Managing Director, Versent

August 25, 2021

AWS has certified Versent as an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Level 1 Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP). This designation recognises that Versent meets AWS requirements for managed security services, protecting customers 24/7.      

Level 1 MSSP is the new AWS standard for managed security services, and an industry-first on many fronts. AWS introduced the standard to cover cloud environments of any size, and it spans ten critical operational security domains:        

  •    infrastructure vulnerability scanning
  • resource inventory visibility
  • security best practices monitoring
  • compliance monitoring
  • monitoring & triaging of security events
  • 24×7 incident alerting & response
  • DDoS mitigation
  • managed intrusion prevention systems
  • managed detection & response for endpoints
  • WAF service

These domains contain multiple AWS services, each with prescribed stringent technical skillsets and operational process requirements.    

About AWS security validation    

AWS launched the AWS Level 1 MSSP Competency to enable customers to easily acquire ongoing security monitoring and management services validated by AWS. AWS security experts annually validate the tools and operational processes of each MSSP organisation, posing cloud security challenges such as:    

  • continuous event monitoring,     
  • event triaging,     
  • AWS and other specialist security product configuration best practices, &    
  • 24/7 incident response.     

AWS is enabling scalable, flexible, and cost-effective business solutions. To support the seamless integration and deployment of these solutions, AWS established the AWS Competency Program to help customers identify AWS Partners with deep industry experience and expertise.     

The AWS Level 1 MSSP Competency provides a streamlined experience for customers to select the right MSSP to help them achieve their cybersecurity goals.

Broadly speaking, (enterprise customers) have big challenges around the fact that they’re using multiple-point solutions, and they’re looking for partners who understand those point solutions and are able to bring all that together .. and manage those solutions on behalf of the customer..

The other challenge is making that transition and having the right security controls in the cloud. It’s not easy, and operationalising these things aren’t easy. You’re talking about deploying the cloud security solutions, configuring them and then responding to alerts that are generated by these solutions. Some companies have that in-house expertise, but many don’t, and that’s why they rely on third-party partners to help them.”

Doug Yuem, AWS Head of Worldwide Channels & Alliances

Versent’s security leadership    

Achieving the AWS Level 1 MSSP Competency establishes Versent as an MSSP and AWS Partner with essential 24/7 managed cloud security skillsets.    

Versent is proud to be an AWS Level 1 MSSP Competency launch partner, one of only a handful in the ANZ region. Our team is dedicated to helping companies achieve their business transformation goals by leveraging the agility, breadth of services, and pace of innovation that AWS provides. We’re always striving to deliver market-leading results for our clients, with a rigid adherence to security and compliance best-practice. This company ethic, coupled with our existing AWS Managed Service Provider competency, puts Versent at the front of the pack in terms of AWS credibility for managed cloud services.    

Talking about the AWS Level 1 Managed Security Service Provider Competency, Versent’s Technical Director of Security, Simon Morse, said:

“AWS sets the standards for online security, in a real way. They’re handling such a significant portion of cloud-hosted applications and workloads. And the tools they make available are, in many cases, refinements of tried and true processes that they’ve been running. As a result, they’re continually upgrading their security tools, standards and programs. Membership of the MSSP program is designed to provide a solid reassurance to any organisation adopting public cloud. It covers not only AWS tooling, but incorporation of specialist security solutions and it’s backed by a team of operational specialists. When we go to our customers and say ‘Versent has AWS MSSP credentials,’ they know they can rely on us to take care of their security needs one hundred percent.”   

Cutting edge security for your enterprise    

Cyber threats are constantly changing and evolving, which means effective security has to do the same. Our security team is led by cybersecurity experts with decades of experience in protecting data and systems.   

At Versent, we treat cybersecurity as a vital priority. To protect enterprise data in a dynamic cloud environment, security needs to adapt constantly. Versent’s approach to security addresses threats as they arise, preempts them where possible and resolves them quickly through automation.         

If you’d like to learn more about Versent’s cloud security services, get in touch with our expert team.   


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