IWD 2021: Diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace

February 26, 2021

I flipped through The 10 most influential women in technology story on Analytics Insight and I am left to wonder: if women contribute to 36% of the Asia-Pacific GDP (per McKinsey Global Institute 2015 study) how come there is only one woman for every four men in leadership roles?

I guess the reality is that in today’s world of women leaders like Jessica Tan, co-CEO of Ping Ann Group (China), Cerulean Hu, SVP of Blockchain Engineering at Crypto.com (Hong Kong) or Chirutha Dalal, co-founder and COO of Pay1 (India), much still needs to happen for women to be recognised for their capabilities, and bring themselves up the corporate ladder.


Great Tech-Spectations

Great Tech-Spectations

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