Every second of every day is about customer quality: how Versent helps corporates innovate

February 9, 2019

After years of frustration with the snail’s pace of getting things done at National Australia Bank (NAB), James Coxon and colleague Thor Essman banded together in 2014 to launch their own IT consultancy, Versent.

More than four years on, Coxon was last November in Las Vegas with the Versent team to hear Yuri Misnik, executive general manager, business enabling technology at NAB, take centre stage during an AWS re:Invent keynote to talk through the bank’s digital transformation and new agile approach to getting tech work done.

How did it feel to hear Misnik talk about how NAB is now, essentially, working the way Coxon wanted it to all those years ago?

“It was great for the industry to hear it. It’s marvellous for every other organisation out there,” Coxon said.

“If we can start saying, no longer is technology the cost centre, no longer is technology a drain on the business, technology is an enabling partner – which is that we want to be for our customers – then it’s a massive ‘aha’ moment.”


Great Tech-Spectations

Great Tech-Spectations

The Versent & AWS Great Tech-Spectations report explores how Aussies feel about tech in their everyday lives and how it measures up to expectations. Download the report now for a blueprint on how to meet consumer’s growing demands.