Three women in STEM weigh in on diversity, inclusion and equal pay
The Workplace Gender Equality Agency’s (WGEA) latest national gender pay gap figures saw the pay gap increase for women over the last six months to 14.2 per cent. This means Equal Pay Day 2021 will be on 31 August, marking the 61 extra days from the end of the previous financial year that women, on average, must work to earn the same annual pay as men.
We asked women in STEM, an industry that notoriously suffers from gender inequity and parity their thought on the pay gap and equal pay day.
Nicole Devine, COO, Versent:
“Gender representation and equal pay is still a significant challenge for the IT industry. While the issue is slowly being addressed, as of 2020, women still only accounted for 30 per cent of roles in major tech companies, even though they make up 59% of the wider workforce. The figure is even more disproportionate for women in technical roles, accounting for only 20%.
“Diversity, inclusion and equality don’t just happen by accident. Deliberate strategy and action are required to achieve real results…”