State Government Agency

Australian State Department to Securely Govern Land Planning Data with AWS Cloud Solutions


Versent recently worked with one of Australia’s State Department of Trade and Investment agencies. State Departments of Trade and Investment are government agencies responsible for driving economic growth, attracting investment, and fostering innovation within each state. One of their critical areas of focus is managing land planning data, which includes sensitive information vital for urban development, infrastructure projects, and environmental conservation.


Safeguarding sensitive data is paramount, especially within government entities where privacy and security regulations are stringent. Our client faced the challenge of ensuring sovereignty by controlling where the data resided and maintaining access control over their land planning data while leveraging the scalability and flexibility offered by cloud computing. Traditional on-premises solutions posed limitations in terms of scalability, cost, and efficiency, prompting our client to seek a cloud-based solution that could meet their needs while adhering to strict security protocols.

The success of this project was of strategic importance for the Australian State Government. By ensuring the security and sovereignty of land planning data, the Department is better positioned to support urban development, infrastructure projects, and environmental conservation initiatives, driving economic growth, investment, and innovation within the state.

The customer’s aim was to;

  • Zero Security Incidents – Maintain zero significant security breaches or data loss incidents due to the proactive threat detection and monitoring capabilities provided by AWS services.
  • 50% Reduction in Manual Intervention – Achieve a 50% reduction in manual intervention for monitoring and compliance tasks through automation provided by AWS services like CloudWatch and Config.
  • 30% Faster Incident Response Times – Reduce the time required to detect and respond to security incidents by 30% with the real-time alerts and actionable insights provided by Amazon GuardDuty and CloudWatch.
  • 99.99% Uptime – Maintain a high availability rate of 99.99% for critical cloud services, ensuring continuous and reliable access to land planning data and applications.
  • Meet the mandatory controls specified by the Australian Government Information Security Manual (ISM) & the Essential Eight Maturity Model.


The state-based Department of Trade and Investment agency partnered with Versent, a leading cloud consulting firm specialising in AWS solutions, to address their digital sovereignty concerns. Versent proposed a comprehensive solution leveraging AWS suite of cloud services, including Amazon CloudWatch, AWS Config, Amazon GuardDuty, and AWS Audit Manager to control access to land planning data effectively. Further to this, AWS in-region availability zones were chosen to host the data, with service control policies enabled, to ensure data residency.


Amazon CloudWatch

The solution implemented Amazon CloudWatch to monitor the Department’s AWS resources and applications in real-time. By configuring custom alarms and dashboards, the Department gained visibility into its cloud environment’s performance and security metrics. CloudWatch enabled proactive monitoring, alerting the Department of any unauthorised access attempts or suspicious activities in real-time, ensuring a swift response to potential security threats.

AWS Config

AWS Config was utilised to assess, audit, and evaluate the configuration of the Department’s AWS resources. AWS Config provided continuous visibility into the state of the Department’s cloud infrastructure, including resource configuration changes and compliance with predefined security policies. By defining and enforcing configuration rules, the Department could maintain the integrity of its land planning data and ensure adherence to regulatory requirements, thereby bolstering digital sovereignty. Versent utilised a combination of both pre-built and custom conformance packs to provide remediation actions. The conformance packs included operational best practises related to specific AWS services (EC2, S3, etc.), the Essential Eight Maturity Model, AWS Well-Architected Security Pillar, and AWS Foundational Security Best Practices. Custom conformance packs were created for the Australian Government’s Information Security Manual (ISM) using the guidance provided by the framework.

Amazon GuardDuty

By adopting Amazon GuardDuty, specifically EC2 Malware Protection, S3 Malware Protection, and EC2 Runtime Monitoring, the solution leveraged intelligent threat detection and monitoring capabilities to protect the Department’s AWS environment from malicious activity. GuardDuty analysed log data and network traffic, employing advanced machine learning algorithms to identify potential security threats, such as unauthorised access attempts, data breaches, or compromised instances.

EC2 Malware ProtectionGuardDuty’s EC2 Malware Protection continuously scanned the department’s EC2 instances for known malware signatures and indicators of compromise. This proactive approach ensured that any malicious software was quickly identified and isolated before it could cause significant harm. The system monitored for unusual file changes, unexpected process executions, and other behaviors indicative of malware presence. By providing detailed insights into the nature and location of detected malware, GuardDuty enabled swift and effective remediation actions, ensuring that the Department’s virtual machines remained secure and operational.
S3 Malware ProtectionGuardDuty’s S3 Malware Protection safeguarded the Department’s critical data stored in Amazon S3 buckets. It monitored access patterns and data transfers to detect any signs of malicious activity, such as unauthorised access attempts or large-scale data exfiltration. GuardDuty alerted the security team to any suspicious activities, such as attempts to read or write data from unexpected locations or by unauthorised users. This vigilance helped prevent data breaches and ensured that sensitive land planning data remained confidential and intact. Additionally, the system identified public access configurations that could expose data to potential threats, enabling the Department to secure its S3 buckets effectively.
EC2 Runtime MonitoringEC2 Runtime Monitoring by GuardDuty provided real-time analysis of the Department’s EC2 instances, focusing on detecting runtime threats. This included monitoring for anomalous network traffic, unexpected software installations, and deviations from normal operating behaviors. By analysing runtime activities, GuardDuty could identify potential threats that might bypass traditional security measures, such as zero-day exploits or advanced persistent threats. The real-time nature of this monitoring allowed the Department to react swiftly to any detected threats, minimising potential damage and maintaining the integrity of their computing environment.

GuardDuty’s ability to integrate findings from EC2 Malware Protection, S3 Malware Protection, and EC2 Runtime Monitoring created a holistic view of the Department’s security posture. It automatically generated actionable security findings, providing detailed information on the nature of each threat, the affected resources, and recommended remediation steps. These findings empowered the Department to promptly mitigate security risks, preserving the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their land planning data.

AWS Audit Manager

AWS Audit Manager was employed to continuously assess, audit, and evaluate the Department’s adherence to compliance requirements. Audit Manager helped automate the collection of evidence needed for audits, streamlining the audit process and ensuring that compliance documentation was always up to date. By using Audit Manager, the Department could efficiently demonstrate compliance with regulatory frameworks like the Australian Government ISM and the Essential Eight Maturity Model, reducing the manual effort typically required for audit preparation and enabling a more proactive approach to compliance management.

Ensuring Data Residency

To address the Department’s concerns regarding data residency, Versent implemented a comprehensive strategy to ensure all land planning data remained within Australian borders. First, AWS in-region availability zones were chosen to host all data and applications. This choice ensured that data processing, storage, and backups occurred exclusively within Australian data centers, adhering to local data residency requirements.

Additionally, Service Control Policies were enabled within AWS Organizations to enforce stringent access controls. Specific SCPs, such as restricting data transfer to only the Australian regions and denying access to regions outside of Australia, were put in place to ensure data residency. Policies like aws:RequestedRegion and aws:PrincipalOrgID were used to enforce these restrictions, ensuring compliance with data residency regulations.

To further enhance security and control over data traffic, Versent utilised Virtual Private Cloud endpoints. This approach allowed secure and private connectivity between AWS services within the same region, minimising the risk of data leakage and ensuring that data remained within the designated geographical boundaries.

All sensitive data was encrypted both at rest and in transit using AWS Key Management Service. The encryption keys were managed and stored within Australia, providing an additional layer of security and ensuring compliance with local data protection laws.

Finally, Versent configured AWS Config, CloudWatch, and AWS Audit Manager to continuously monitor and audit data residency compliance. Any configuration changes or activities that could potentially violate data residency policies triggered immediate alerts, enabling rapid response and remediation.

Operational Effectiveness

The implementation of these AWS services greatly enhanced the Department’s operational effectiveness. The proactive monitoring and alerting capabilities of Amazon CloudWatch and AWS Config enabled the Department to maintain a secure and compliant cloud environment with minimal manual intervention. Automation of security and compliance tasks reduced operational overhead and allowed IT personnel to focus on strategic initiatives rather than routine monitoring and auditing tasks.

The adoption of Amazon GuardDuty provided intelligent threat detection, which, combined with real-time analysis and actionable insights, enabled quicker response to security incidents. This not only improved the Department’s security posture but also significantly reduced the time and effort required to manage and respond to potential threats.

AWS Audit Manager streamlined the compliance auditing process, automating evidence collection and ensuring continuous adherence to regulatory requirements. This reduced the manual effort involved in audit preparation and facilitated a more proactive approach to compliance management.

Ensuring data residency through AWS’s in-region availability zones and Service Control Policies guaranteed that all land planning data remained within Australian borders. This comprehensive strategy not only addressed the Department’s data sovereignty concerns but also enhanced control over data traffic and compliance with local data protection laws.


The implementation of Amazon CloudWatch, AWS Config, Amazon GuardDuty, AWS Audit Manager, and the data residency solution enabled the State Department of Trade and Investment to achieve robust digital sovereignty over their land planning data while harnessing the scalability and agility of the AWS cloud. The key outcomes of the solution included: 

Enhanced Security Posture

  • Reduction in Security Incidents: A 50% decrease in the number of security incidents related to unauthorised access and data breaches due to real-time threat detection and automated response mechanisms.
  • Compliance Adherence: Achieved compliance with both the Australian Government ISM and Essential Eight regulatory standards, as validated by regular automated audits and compliance checks using AWS Config & AWS Audit Manager
  • Response Time: Reduced the Mean Time To Detect (MTTD) and Mean Time To Respond (MTTR) to security threats by 75%, enhancing overall incident response efficiency.

Improved Operational Efficiency

  • Operational Automation: Automation of 80% of security monitoring and compliance auditing tasks, significantly reducing manual effort and allowing the IT team to focus on strategic initiatives.
  • Centralised Monitoring: Consolidation of monitoring and auditing activities into a single pane of glass, reducing the time spent on operational oversight by 60%.
  • Process Optimisation: Streamlined operational workflows led to a 40% reduction in the time required to perform routine maintenance and administrative tasks.

Cost Optimisation

  • Infrastructure Cost Reduction: Achieved a 30% reduction in infrastructure costs by eliminating the need for on-premises hardware and associated maintenance expenses.
  • Resource Utilisation: Improved resource utilisation through automated scaling, resulting in a 25% decrease in over-provisioned resources and associated costs.
  • Operational Savings: Reduced operational expenses by 20% through the use of cloud-native services that minimised the need for extensive in-house support and maintenance.

Scalability and Flexibility

  • Resource Scalability: Enabled the Department to scale compute and storage resources dynamically, achieving a 99.9% system availability even during peak demand periods.
  • Adaptability: Improved the ability to adapt to evolving business requirements, with a 50% faster implementation time for new projects and initiatives.
  • Elastic Resource Management: Allowed the Department to manage resource allocation flexibly, resulting in a 40% increase in operational efficiency during critical periods of high demand.

Overall, using AWS cloud solutions empowered the Australian State-based Department of Trade and Investment to achieve sovereignty, safeguarding their land planning data while driving innovation and economic growth within their State.


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