We live and breathe a culture of learning – here’s why

Paul Jenkins GM of People and Culture at Versent

Paul Jenkins

GM People & Culture

July 6, 2018

As an AWS premier partner, Versent is always upskilling our team in the ways of AWS. 

We most recently achieved 100 AWS certifications via the Amazon Web Services Partner Network. This is a hefty achievement, and one reached thanks to the entire team. I even received an email from AWS to celebrate our milestone achievement, and it got me thinking – why is training so important for our growing team? 

To become an AWS premier partner, there are a minimum number of associate and professional certs required. It’s not easy to achieve certs, but we really believe, they make a difference to the jobs we deliver to our customers.

Everyone in our team are encouraged to take a proactive approach to learning and development and to build learning into their day-to-day routines.

Working at a tech company, it’s common to hear the emphasis on ‘continuous learning’, but it’s a different thing entirely to truly see it in action.

At Versent we promote a culture of continuous learning and development that is fostered by regular and honest feedback from our team. We make sure that we provide the support and tools the team needs to stay ahead in the continually changing landscape they face within the projects they are delivering.

From ‘on the job’ learning day-to-day with peer support and the encouragement to ‘give it a go’ to access to market leading learning subscriptions like acloud.guru, Linux Academy, Qwiklabs.com and the resources available via the AWS Partner Network.

We also use other tools like the ‘acloud.guru’ Slack Bot [link: https://slack.com/apps/A68R1BXL4-a-cloud-guru-bot], which we have as the #versent-training-quiz channel, allowing the team at any stage to be quizzed on a wide range of Amazon Web Services using our core communications tool – Slack.  There is a healthy level of competition as to who remains on the Leaderboard.

One of the biggest reasons Ben Rayner, our first grad hire in our Melbourne office, started with Versent was the promise of enhancing his skills.

“I was fresh out of uni, with a hunger for learning. Versent gave me the opportunity to learn every day, whether it was gaining personal AWS certifications, on new projects or from the hugely skilled dev team here. In 12 months, I feel like my learning journey is still just beginning!”

Ongoing improvements to our own internal training aka ‘The Versent Way’ is a shared responsibility across not only the People & Culture team, but from everyone across the Versent team to ensure those that have been here from the start to those that are brand new to the Versent family share in the knowledge while adding their own experiences.

This distinction is a testament to all of the team of nearly 250 to have AWS 100+ Certifications and further support as to why Versent was awarded the AWS APAC Partner of the Year for 2018 the ANZ Consulting Partner of the Year for two years running – 2017 and 2018.

See what our Chief Slack Officer and Cloud therapist, Lucas Chan has to say on the importance of training – Versent Benefits from AWS Training & Certification: https://youtu.be/PgBE0Ye5vYw

See the Versent Melbourne & Sydney family in action here: https://youtu.be/Xw_TXFgmxM8 and https://youtu.be/eELb6pPfdG8

We live and breathe a culture of learning. If that sounds like something you’d like to know more about – check out our careers page https://versent.com.au/careers

Paul works hard to find the right people to fit with the culture of the company and ensure Versent maintains focus on its core values. Paul helps to grow the team and help to make Versent ‘the’ employer of choice.

When he’s not focused on Versent culture, Paul keeps busy with his six-month-old and six-year-old girls and Inline Hockey to (try to) keep fit.


Great Tech-Spectations

Great Tech-Spectations

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