The Life of a Versent Employee

Paul Jenkins GM of People and Culture at Versent

Paul Jenkins

GM People & Culture

October 9, 2017

Allow us to introduce ourselves.

Founded in 2014, Versent began life as a small tech start-up with around 20 team members. Fast forward to today, and we’ve grown our team to over 150 and we’re showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon. We work hard, and we work smart.

If we had to label ourselves we’d probably be known as a ‘tech consultancy’, but we like to think we’re much more than just a label. Our focus is on hiring the best people – true technologists – who genuinely care about their craft, and more about getting the job done right, than just getting it done. We design customer solutions that are essentially future-proofed; built to outlast the duration of our engagements, and to be iterated as needed.

We believe our success has come from focusing on people rather than commercials, and from fostering a collaborative work environment where everyone can contribute and be heard. It’s a competitive market out there, and creating the right culture is something we value highly. Basically, we want our people to want to come to work.

Above all, we value:

People: We’re a positive team with a family spirit, because life is too short for anything else.

Customers: We create remarkable experiences for our customers, and treat them as we wish to be treated.

Quality: We’re artisans who care about our craft, and lead change through continuous improvement.

Reliability: We do what we say we will do, when we say we will do it, every time.

Transparency: We operate with full disclosure, integrity and honesty in all that we do.

Reciprocation: We give back and assist as much as possible, whenever possible.

So, what does the life of a Versent employee look like?

·       Working in a flexible, outcome-driven, mature environment. Outside of client obligations, you can work from the office or home as needed, and best of all, wear what you want – no fancy suits required.

·       Weekly internal tech talks alternating between Sydney and Melbourne; all streamed so those who can’t make it to the office can still participate. For those who do make it, there’s pizza, beer, wine and soft drink on tap.

·       A yearly raffle for a lucky bunch of our team to attend the AWS Summit Sydney and re:Invent Las Vegas.

·       Regular meetup’s and guest speakers, organised and facilitated by our team.

·       A supportive family culture. If you need help, just ask.

·       Celebration of the wins – big or small, because we know how hard you work.

·       And finally, while we like our work to be taken seriously, we don’t really take ourselves that way.

We’re working hard to be the best we can be, and we’d love to get to know you. If you’re interested in learning more about Versent, please get in touch with our People & Culture team: Paul Jenkins, Megan Greef or Riley Smith.


Great Tech-Spectations

Great Tech-Spectations

The Versent & AWS Great Tech-Spectations report explores how Aussies feel about tech in their everyday lives and how it measures up to expectations. Download the report now for a blueprint on how to meet consumer’s growing demands.