AWS Ambassador Global Summit 2022

Chathra Serasinghe

Senior Engineer

October 7, 2022

This year, I was given the opportunity to visit Seattle and represent Versent at the AWS Ambassador Global Summit and I’m really happy to share my experience about the event.

What is an AWS Ambassador Global Summit?

The AWS Ambassador Global Summit is a fantastic opportunity for the AWS team and ambassadors to share information and ideas. Typically, there are technical and non-technical sessions in a variety of domains.

AWS delivered a welcome speech to start off the first day, and they showed us how past efforts from AWS ambassadors had impacted businesses and communities with statistics.

Key Takeaways from Tech Talks


AWS delivered a compelling session on Security Risks and introduced Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework which is co-founded by AWS and Splunk, an interesting open-source project which delivers an extensible framework for developing schemas, along with a vendor-agnostic core security schema. It improves the interoperability and data normalisation between security products of a broad range of leading security vendors.

More information: Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework

He also spoke about Generative Adversarial Networks and their implications on cyber security.

Advanced Networking

In the Advanced Networking session, the first speaker gave an overview of AWS Networking evolution and the next speaker talked about AWS Cloud WAN, which has been generally accessible since July of this year. During his presentation, he explained how Cloud WAN works and its benefits. Cloud WAN enables to build Global Networks in minutes where you can define a simple network policy document and it helps to manage dynamic routing and simplified certain activities through built-in automation.
E.g.:- Ability to automatically attach new VPCs and network connections without any manual approvals

Besides, it offers network visualization by illustrating how networking resources are geographically distributed across the globe, as well as additional visualization options such as topology trees, graphs, and so on. Furthermore, he emphasised the significance of the Core Network Edge in Cloud WAN and how it differs from the Transit Gateway.

More information: What is AWS Cloud WAN? – Amazon VPC

AWS advanced Technology innovations

Another AWS leader who is also a world-renowned technological guru conducted this session, and he delivered a mind-blowing speech on Advanced Technology innovations that covered a wide range of topics such as Quantum Computing, High-Performance Computing, 5G technology etc.

He also introduced IoT Fleetwise, which simplifies vehicle data collection, transformation, and transfer to the cloud. More information can be found here.

More information: AWS IOT Fleetwise – now generally available

He emphasized another IoT service, IoT TwinMaker, which allows to create digital twins of real-world systems such as buildings, factories, production lines, and equipment. With this service you can create real-time 3D views of your physical system and will help you in remotely monitoring your facilities(in a web dashboard using Grafana), identifying equipment alerts in the context of your environment, and scheduling maintenance to minimize downtime.

He also highlighted how AWS has enabled large-scale simulation projects with autoscaling capabilities.

How to develop High-Quality ML models faster

One of the Principal Partner Solutions Architect at AWS, explained how to Develop High-Quality ML models faster using SageMaker and demonstrated how to use Sagemaker Canvas to build no-code machine learning model and how it can easily share models to data scientists to review the model and give feedback. Moreover, he discussed how SageMaker Auto Pilot and SageMaker Jump Start can speed up your machine learning pipeline.

Edge Computing

A leader from the EC2 Edge Outbound Product Team had a detailed conversation on the ubiquitous cloud programming model.

He discussed following its service model and uses cases.

  • AWS Availability Zones
  • AWS Local Zones
  • AWS Outpost
  • AWS Wavelength
  • AWS EKS/EKS Anywhere
  • AWS P5G

Moreover, there were more interesting topics from AWS leaders such as,

  • EQ Supercharge your Success
  • Control Tower
  • Sustainability
  • Containers/Serverless

and many more.

There were numerous “Lightning Talks” from fellow ambassadors in between the key tech talks, and I was delighted to hear their stories, and I appreciate you for sharing those experiences with everyone during the summit, and most of them are extremely inspiring.

Exciting news for future

Some of the summit’s content, such as service roadmaps, was under NDA. Therefore I am unable to share those until it is officially publicized. But after listening to them, I can assure you that you will hear a lot more good news in the future, and I am extremely grateful to the product teams who work diligently and work backwards to deliver the best possible service to customers.

To make this event a success, AWS put together a huge organizing team and I am grateful to all of them for hosting such a wonderful event. Versent is always proud to have representatives in the AWS Ambassador network, and it was an honor for me to represent Versent at this amazing event.

Chathra Serasinghe
Senior Engineer, Versent


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