Modern Run

Managed services done differently

Is your managed services provider delivering full value?

Whilst many traditional service providers rely on volume of incidents as their key value metric, Versent Modern Run is different. We offer an embedded partnership model that evolves alongside your cloud and digital journey. Our team of experts has unrivalled knowledge and capabilities across all cloud platforms, leveraging best-in-class frameworks and toolsets. We don’t rely on incident rates to prove value – we focus relentlessly on automation to uplift your platform.

And in today’s climate, it’s more important than ever to be getting the most out of your MSP relationship.

We work with

Our difference

What traditional MSPs do

  • Manage to a contract

    They are obsessed with the contract and every step outside it triggers a reneotiation or commercial implication for you

  • Play ticket tennis

    They rely on incident volumes to claim value for their services and tickets bounce back and forth multiple times without resolution 

  • Disjoined working style

    They operate in a fragmented way with teams narrowly focused on single tasks only 

  • Keep the status quo

    They are invested in maintaining the current setup without suggesting automations and uplift

What we do

  • Evolve with you

    We’re dynamic and grow with you as your business transforms 

  • Optimise costs

    We’re invested in making sure you derive the most value possible from the relationship 

  • Take ownership

    We work alongside you and take responsibility for delivering on our commitments 

  • Uplift your platform

    We think outside the box to constantly automate and improve your setup 

Making the switch to Versent is simple 

Changing service providers can be daunting. We get it. But if you’re with a traditional MSP that’s not delivering you what you need and deserve, it’s time to consider a new provider. 

We’ve helped countless organisations make the switch and realise the value of a truly dedicated, modern MSP. We make the process easy and provide you with a simple runway to rapidly realising value.